Instead of holding your thoughts in your head, put them in a journal.
When you’re recovering from alcoholism, you’re on a mission to get your life back on track. Attending Alcoholics Anonymous is advantageous. Having the support of family and friends is also helpful.
There is something else you can do to help you along your journey of recovering from alcoholism. That process is called journaling.
What is Journaling?
Journaling is the process of recording your personal thoughts. While it can be done on a daily basis, it’s up to you how often you journal; for you might feel a need to journal several times a day.
Regardless how often you journal, it’s a beneficial process that recovering alcoholics should partake in.
The Benefits of Journaling
Here’s how people on the road to recovery from alcoholism benefit from journaling:
- You can discover yourself. It’s often hard to be honest with ourselves. We’re all quick to judge others, but fall short of being honest about our own faults. With journaling, however, it’s inescapable. You write what’s in your heart, and what’s in it is the truth about yourself. There’s no denying what’s written about you … particularly when you’re the person who wrote it.
- This is the opportunity to vent. Whatever stress you’re feeling from trying to be sober can be expressed in journaling. Whether you feel sad, happy, mad … it’s yours to express via journaling. Pouring out your emotions can be as healing as talking to a psychologist – only cheaper.
- It’s a chance for accountability. Too often we like to vocally blame others for our problems. With journaling, you can rightfully pinpoint the blame on yourself. This can be done because journaling enables you to be honest with yourself minus the fear of facing judgment from others. Sometimes people blame others out of fear of being judged. Journaling takes this fear and possibility away. Thus, you’re left with the realization of your behavior; thus, holding you accountable for your own actions.
- You can set forth goals. When you write down your goals, it sets your mind to achieve them. This is no different for people who journal while recovering from alcohol. It doesn’t matter what your goals are in regards to beating your alcoholic addiction, journaling it can set your mind in motion to achieve. And that’s a good thing since the mind is strong.
- You can track your progress. Life is all about change. No matter what you’re going through, you should change for the better. When you keep a journal, you have the chance to track your progress and see how your far you’ve come and how much farther you need to improve.
How to Protect Your Journal
It’s normal to want to guard your thoughts. It’s the reason some people don’t journal: the fear of their journal being found and read by others. As a result of this discovery, your thoughts are exposed and you’re embarrassed.
There’s no need for this fear anymore.
MySpirtualToolkit.com provides you with security. It has an online journal that’s password protected. Whatever you write online stays online … for your eyes only.
Make your road to recovery easier by journaling. And keep your thoughts private with MySpirtualToolkit.com.